Health Certificate Travel Information Form

We understand that travel can be stressful, let us help you. Please find our travel preparation recommendations and information form below.

Health Certificate Travel Information Form

We understand that traveling with your pet can be very stressful, we are here to help with preparation and arming you with the tools you need.  Please understand that while we are well-versed with the process of domestic and international health certificates, we need your help to do some preliminary research depending on your destination(s).

Steps for Travel

  1. Please visit the USDA APHIS pet travel website:
  2. Scroll down and select either International travel OR Interstate U.S. travel.
  3. Especially if traveling internationally (but domestic as well), please create a list of what is required for your pet prior to you trip (including vaccinations, testing, oral medications and types of health certificates or forms). It is your responsibility to arrive with this list at your appointment.
  4. Please contact us as soon as you have planned your trip to discuss and schedule appropriate appointments prior to your departure. Scotts Valley Veterinary clinic will assist in creating all online or paper health certificates, provide copies as well as submit them electronically.  We will also provide all recommended vaccinations, oral medications and required blood testing.   There will be associated costs for each type of appointment needed, please know these appointments/certificates can require numerous hours of work/preparation on our end and the charge for each appointment will be reflective of that time.
  5. Once you have reviewed all the requirements, please fill out this form to help us start and create a health certificate for your travel. PLEASE TYPE EVERYTHING ACCURATELY. WHAT IS TYPED ON THIS FORM WILL BE TRANSFERRED EXACTLY AS ENTERED ONTO THE OFFICIAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE.