SVVC Puppy Package
We offer customizable puppy packages to fit your puppy’s lifestyle and needs best.
This puppy package can be customized based on your puppy’s needs.
It includes all the recommended preventative care services your puppy may need. Packages include:
- New Puppy Wellness Examination (~8 weeks)
- Vaccines
- 3 DA2PP (distemper/parvo) Vaccines
~8 weeks
~12 weeks
~16 weeks - 1 Rabies Vaccine
~12-16 weeks - 2 Leptospirosis Vaccines OPTIONAL
~12 weeks
~16 weeks - 1 Bordetella (kennel cough) Vaccine OPTIONAL
~8-18 weeks - Optional Vaccines: Flu (CIV), Lyme, Rattlesnake
- UFecal Test
- This test is performed to assess the efficacy of the deworming medication and rule out other intestinal infections such as giardia and coccidia
- Final Puppy Package Examination (~16 weeks)
- Deworming / Heartworm / Flea / Tick Prevention Included
- Included with EVERY visit during the puppy package, at NO CHARGE, will be doses of heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, flea, and tick treatment/prevention
- Discount of 10% on Spay (OVH) or Neuter (through SVVC)
We recommend you avoid walking your puppy in areas frequented by other animals to reduce the spread of disease and viruses; such as public parks/grassy areas, dog parks and the beach, until 1 week following your puppy’s final vaccinations.
Puppies are often adopted with intestinal infections obtained from the mother, other puppies, or the environment. Routine parasite deworming is provided as part of your package. A fecal test is recommended to confirm the deworming treatment was effective and to rule out protozoal infections (coccidia or giardia), which may require additional treatment. Fecal tests are recommended annually throughout your dog’s life since infections can be acquired at any age.
Tapeworms are a parasitic infection caused by the ingestion of fleas. The de-wormer provided with the puppy package may not include treatment for tapeworms. Since tapeworm segments are shed intermittently, they may not be detected by a routine fecal test. If you notice small sesame seed or rice-like segments in your puppy’s stool, please call our office.
We recommend selecting a food that is specified for puppy growth, which usually includes additional calcium and protein. When selecting a food brand, look for the Association of American Feed Control Officials label (AAFCO) on the packaging to ensure a well-balanced food. The five brands that we recommend are Royal Canin, Science Diet, Purina, Iams, and Eukanuba. Small/medium-sized breeds can be transitioned to adult food at approximately 10-12 months of age, while larger breeds should receive puppy food until 18 months of age. Young puppies require smaller frequent meals, about 3-4 times per day, but once your dog has been spayed or neutered (usually 6-8 months of age), twice daily meal feeding is recommended. Always make sure your puppy has access to fresh, clean water.
In Santa Cruz County, it is recommended that all indoor and outdoor dogs be treated year-round for heartworm, intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks. Heartworm is a potentially fatal parasite transmitted through mosquito bites from infected animals (dogs, coyotes, and foxes). Annual heartworm tests with an examination (beginning at 1-1.5 years of age) are recommended to prescribe monthly heartworm prevention safely. Heartworm medications also have the added benefit of preventing intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms +/- tapeworms. Our climate is ideal for year-round flea/tick problems. Fleas can cause severe itching, transmit disease and parasites (tapeworms), and sometimes cause flea-allergic dermatitis/flea allergy. Ticks can carry multiple diseases commonly seen in this area. We recommend all puppies start lifelong monthly prevention for heartworm, intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks as early as eight weeks of age. Below are the most common preventatives that we recommend.
- Simparica Trio (monthly oral): covers heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, fleas, ticks
- Revolution Plus (monthly topical): covers heartworm, roundworms, hookworms, fleas, ticks
- Heartgard Plus (monthly oral): covers heartworms, roundworms, hookworms
- Sentinel (monthly oral): covers heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and a flea sterilizer (fleas will not lay eggs)
- Bravecto (3 mo oral OR 3 mo topical): covers fleas, ticks
- Nexgard (monthly oral): covers fleas, ticks
- Credelio (monthly oral): covers fleas, ticks
- Proheart (annual injection): covers heartworm; once a pet reaches 12 months old, this annual injection can be given
Female puppies often have their first heat around eight months, and males start puberty and reproductive behaviors at about the same age. For that reason, many puppies are often spayed (female) or neutered (male) before they can breed. In female dogs, performing an early spay procedure (before eight months) can significantly decrease the risk of mammary cancer and prevent uterine infections. Neutering male puppies at less than eight months can decrease reproductive and aggressive behaviors and prevent prostatic and testicular diseases. However, new research has revealed many considerations to weigh when deciding when to spay and neuter your pet. At the final puppy package visit, we will discuss this topic.
Traditional modes of identification, like tags and collars, can unfortunately fall off. A microchip is a small device placed permanently under your dog’s skin with a unique identification number. This number will be registered online through your microchip company and can be detected with scanners carried by all veterinarians and shelters. It is essential to immediately notify the microchip company of address or number changes so you can be contacted should your dog go missing. The process is a simple injection, about the size of a grain of rice (12mm), beneath the surface of your pet’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. The process is similar to a routine shot, takes only a few seconds, and can be placed anytime. Many owners elect to have one placed during a puppy’s spay or neuter procedure. We use HomeAgain microchips (1-888-466-3242).
Puppies are more receptive to training at a young age and can begin as early as eight weeks old. You will be surprised at how fast your puppy grows and matures. It is essential to consider that a puppy’s socialization period (when puppies are most accepting of new stimuli and training) ends around 16 weeks. We recommend introducing your puppy to as many stimuli and healthy vaccinated animals as possible during this vaccination period.
Assistance and recommendations for training can be gained from puppy obedience classes.
We recommend the “nothing in life is free” training policy to create a positive training environment and reinforce good habits. This policy is designed to have your puppy do a command or behavior for every reward, whether a simple sit behavior or sitting and staying before eating dinner. Barking, biting, and whining are often attention-seeking behaviors. Try to ignore these behaviors and redirect their attention to desirable behavior (sitting or an appropriate toy to chew on). Information about this method can be found at
Find additional local training options below:
Santa Cruz K9 | Tug Dogs | Karma Dog Training | Living with Dogs | George Menna Dog Training |
Paws First | Carpe Diem Dogs | In Tune Dog Training | Clear Mind Canine | JAO Dog Training |
Dog in Good Hands SC | Pleasure Point Paws | Good Dog Santa Cruz | Bingo Dog Training | Wunderdog Training |
Like human insurance, pet insurance can be obtained to assist in payment for the unexpected. Many insurance companies provide a variety of coverage based on your needs. The most critical choice for insurance is to decide whether you want accident/illness coverage alone or a combined plan with wellness coverage. For your convenience, we have created an insurance information sheet, which is included in your puppy package.
Your puppy’s teeth will likely fall out between 5 and 6 months of age, and adult teeth will come in. Regular tooth brushing (with pet toothpaste or dental chews/treats) is usually not recommended until your puppy has his or her adult teeth. While toys and chewing can be beneficial to reduce dental tartar, specific toys (bones/hooves/rocks/tennis balls) can be hard enough to crack or wear down teeth. Later in your dog’s life, professional dental cleanings under anesthesia will be recommended as needed. Further info can be obtained at (Veterinary Oral Health Council).
We are available Monday through Friday during the day for all veterinary emergencies or concerns you may have. If you have an emergency after hours we recommend Pacific + SC Veterinary Specialists on Soquel Drive (831-475-5400). If closer to San Jose call United Emergency Animal Clinic (UEAC) at (408-371-6252) or SAGE Campbell Centers at (408-343-7243). The “Pet Poison Hotline” for ingested substances is also available over the phone at (855-764-7661).